Hey everyone, sorry I havent up dated in awhile, i have been sooooo busy.
We have been moving back into our house in hurricane, The kids are so
excited to be moving back to our old house. They always loved the neighborhood
but I always have wanted a larger house. Oh Well "Love grows in little houses"
Well tough times have a way of winning out! Especially when you are a landscaper these days! Good thing trev is going back to school. He has finals next week Yea!!!!! and then we wont have school until January. He has been doing so good. He is at the top of all of his classes. I am so proud of him...He works so hard for us. Working all day and going to school all night. What a fighter! no wonder I love that kid! Well hope that everyone has a happy holidays! Hopefully
I will have some family pictures soon it has only been 2 years now or longer its about time......
Elder Steglich
9 years ago
i miss you already. i seriously want to come bring you something for christmas for being such a good friend and visiting teacher. what is your address. you can emai it to me at beckylove_25@hotmail.com
Autumn I have a confession to make I am a blog stalker and I have stalked your blog as well. I am glad you left a comment. I am also going to do a drawing for a girl blanket after this one so make sure to check back
Autumn (Amberly here)
I have NEVER gotten an email from you. I saw your comment on my Moms blog so I just had to let you know that you are difinately NOT out of the club. My email address is on my photo blog so email me your email address or leave it as a comment and I will invite you!
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