It is just so funny how fast time does fly! I guess
thats what comes with the territory of having 5 kids- I just feel like i never get anything done but am always doing something. The spring time is always really busy for us, Addi just started Gymnastics- boy is that girl flexible.
Anika started ballet and
Ashlyn is starting league soccer in st.
george and Ashia is in the new play coming this spring in
Laverkin. So I pretty much am just driving here there and everywhere. Trevor is no where to be found he works full time and goes to school full time and sleeps the rest of the time so we only see him a few hours a week. Between all this and 3 church callings and room mom ,
Im POOPED! But on the bright side I am really excited I just got a new camera, so I will feel that I have more to share now- Not that its that interesting.

We have had the rounds of sickness at our house this year! First it was the colds and coughs and then it was the 24 hour flu! Not fun!!!!! Then last week my kids got 4 day long fevers followed by some weird mouth virus! that causes severe
coldsores and fever blisters all in their mouths! My baby was the worst. It was so sad to see them in so much pain!

Here is our cute little Yorkie that we got for
christmas, He
wasnt able to come home until the first week in
feb. i just keep thinking to myself what was I thinking- (Especially at 5:00 am this morning but hey the kids love dogs!

Here is my two year old! She love to play with her old baby stuff and we just laughed our heads off that she fell asleep in her old
carseat! She still is my baby, even though she is growing up so fast! too fast if you ask me!